Monday, April 26, 2010

New Blog

hey blog-reader people. either you don't exist, or the comment ffunction is broken. and i've heard it's the comment function. although i have my suspicions...

also. today i wore yellow. which calls for a change! and anew blog: hope you like it, it's still in the works though :P

Friday, April 9, 2010

Random is Routine.

So I haven't posted in awhile, so there are quite a few things that need dealing with. Let's get started.

Skateboarding is fun.
i miss the snow (don't judge)
Sparknotes is amazing. to whom it may concern.
I like chocolate milk.
I have a unicycle and CAN ride it. yes that's right, i can unicycle. :D
my best friend and I are currently working on building a lego robot for this robotics's pretty intense. but so today I got sidetracked and built a shoe out of legos. and yes, it is a chuck taylor XD be jealous.
Awww....Gigi was fussy today :( she's teething. She had two come in. but she was happy later!
Today we moved me out of my room. *sigh* BUT
on the lighter side I went shopping yesterday. and got a sweater, a sweet converse jacket, and two cool shirts. I don't have any pics of em though :P but they're all cool! I promise!
ha. that was random. then again, random is my life.
my old doctor moved :( so now I'm not in a fun pediatric center anymore, where the bandaids are always curious george, and now in the boring adult section where the doctor is really boring. ah well...

So apparently they're remaking the Tron movie? *sigh* I hope they get this guy ha.
I'm sorry, but this is almost as amazing as this

I am STILL grounded from my iPod. I FEEL SO DEPRESSED. I need my Beatles and my nevershoutnever. *sigh*
I have no good blog widgets. any suggestions?
does anybody remember Invader Zim?? I love Gir...
How To Train Your Dragon was really good. RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. I was the last person who thought they would like it, i guarantee you. my friend dragged me to it, and it was amazing. by far the best CG dreamworks movie I've ever seen.
I'm hungry and I'm out of chocolate milk : /
Stay tuned for a video my friends and I made! should be up soon!
I like food. I'm gonna go eat some.
So apparently it's become cliche to put "peace, love, etc." as your status. I've decided I need my own. Therefore:

Friends, Family, and Freakin Sweet!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

This Too Shall Pass

If you haven't seen OK Go's latest video, watch it. please. DO IT NOW. like seriously it's way more important than any other video online, especially this one.

Done? okay then, moving on, here's my rendition of the song. Watch the whole thing. It's funny, I promise.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I have not the net I guess fame and fortune will have to wait. I haven't blogged in forever.

So here's an adorable picture of my adorable little sister.
I couldn't resist posting this one...where's Gigi?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Does This Work?

So I'm starting a blog. Deal with it. I'm new to this, so don't expect widespread fame and success just yet. Check back in tomorrow for that. Basically I don't know what I'm gonna do with this, other than the fact that when you log in, you get to hear some snazzy music. Hear it? yeah. that's right. That's pretty much the only reason I have can just sort of revel in good taste for the moment, while I cook up some spectacular business models and action figures of me.